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2024-03 PEMNA T-CoP Study Visit to Indonesia

WRITERAdmin  HIT164 REGDATE2024-03-05

2024 PEMNA T-CoP Study Visit to Indonesia

March 5-7, 2024 | Jakarta and Bali, Indonesia

Building the Information Technology System for Public Finance Management and Best Practices for Digital Transformation


Participants from the Vietnam State Treasury (VST) visited Indonesia (Jakarta and Bali) for the 2024 T-CoP Study Visit. Hosted by the Ministry of Finance, during this three-day event, participants delved into the theme “Building the Information Technology System for Public Finance Management and Best Practices for Digital Transformation.”


During this visit, the delegates learned about the overview of IFMIS (SAKTI and SPAN), data science, cybersecurity, and the impact of digital transformation. They also visited Bali to learn about the operation of IFMIS in regional offices.

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