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Building stronger budget and treasury systems to promote member countries' continued growth and prosperity
  • Reference Materials Financial Management Information Systems in OECD Countries

    This paper takes stock of Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) practices in OECD countries based on the results of the 2022 OECD Survey on Financial Management and Reporting.For more information visit the OECD Library or the New OECD Website (AEM).

    31 Jul 2024
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  • Reference Materials Digital Solutions Guidelines for PFM

    The Digital Solutions Guidelines for Public Financial Management aims to serve as a comprehensive reference material for the assessment, design, and improvement of digital initiatives in the public financial management (PFM) area. To facilitate the digital transformation of PFM functions, these Guidelines are organized into three Pillars: Functional, IT Architectural, and Governance and Management. This publication is available HERE.

    15 Dec 2023
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  • Reference Materials East Asia Decentralizes: Making Local Government Work

    This study assesses the progress of decentralization in East Asia, aiming to extract valuable insights, emphasize successful practices, and identify crucial areas requiring immediate attention to prevent missteps. It takes into account international perspectives while acknowledging the distinctive economic, political, and cultural factors specific to the East Asian context.

    26 Oct 2023
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  • Reference Materials Deepening Decentralization within Centrally Led States: The Direction of Local Governance Reforms in Southeast Asia

    In the early 1990s, several unitary states in Southeast Asia initiated decentralization efforts, as documented in the 2005 World Bank report "East Asia Decentralizes." This discussion paper provides an updated analysis of these reforms, highlighting that they are largely driven by political dynamics, resulting in an incremental transfer of power and resources to lower levels while central governments maintain influence over subnational entities, ultimately promoting greater political pluralism and service delivery.

    26 Oct 2023
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